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Wednesday 1 October 2008 19:09

Well, it was yesterday I was keeping a secret.. Or wast it yesterday?.. oh yeah it is. Anyway.. my secret is about.. Well.. all I wan to share is that I have a deep secret not that I want to tell here online what it is. My parents, my cousins and my friends or even my best buds doesn't know it. haha. just wanted to share. :)

Your too late I just removed the name who knows it.
I decided to remove it because I will ever tell the names you might have a clue what's the secret is.


Thursday 25 September 2008 18:48
I memorized the Spanish Alphabet!

Today, in Spanish class I memorized el alfabeto! Weeeeeeee... I even got commendation for it [it's like being very good for the lesson] I cannot wait till Spanish class again on the next Thursday! But still I'm looking forward to Saturday and Sunday because there's no classes and I can spend more time with my parents.. I don't wanna go to school tomorrow.. I want to have a fever tomorrow and on Saturday be better already.. lol. I have a plan to have fever but not sure if it could work.. I'm not going to take my vitamins C tomorrow.. I WANNA HAVE FEVER TOMORROW!!!!!!

Tuesday 16 September 2008 17:51
Happy birthday Nick Jonas!

Happy birthday to Nick Jonas who is turning 16 today! May you have a nice birthday! I hope Nick will be getting rid of his diabetes soon. I was listening to "A little bit longer" *sigh* poor Nick. I really hope SOON not a little bit longer he'll be fine. Anyone who is reading this post of mine. Please pray for him so that he could be fine, soon.

Sunday 7 September 2008 17:14
Drew & Selena: good together?

Photobucket Photobucket

Well.. I guess they're good for each other since I watched Another Cinderella Story. I alsmost forgot about that movie! Thanks to Abi from TG, She made a thread about watching Another Cinderella Story online. I know it's illegal but I don't have money left to buy the DVD. I spent all my money buying the new Jonas Brothers album. Anyway that album is really worth it!

P.S. Don't ever steal that pictures above!
I made that, if you want to use it, post in tagboard!

Saturday 6 September 2008 19:13
What a day!

Am I a true boring person? Everytime someone asks me.. How's your day? I usually says My day is boring.. MY DAY IS ALWAYS BORING! Maybe starting Wednesday my days aren't boring anymore.. that's when my classes start. I study King's wood school! I guess I will totally love the school! They said the school is a Technology specialist. Geez.. I'm really excited for school. I know.. all of you aren't.. but I am! Wanna see my Timetable/Schedule for classes? Here it is:

Technology - Mr. D. Clark
Music - Mr. N. Vulpe
Science - Miss I. Nwakor
Literacy - Miss N. Jadeja
Mathematics - Mr. N. Pegg

Technology - Mr. D. Clark
History - Mr. J. Griffiths
Science - Miss I Nwakor
Religious Studies - Ms. E. Fuller
English - Miss N. Jadeja

English - Miss N. Jadeja
Mathematics - Miss N. Pegg
P.E. - Ms. S. Wilkinson
Science - Miss I. Nwakor
Technology - Mr. D. Clark

Drama - Mrs. C. Lee
Numeracy - Mr. N. Pegg
Personalized Learning - Miss N. Heyns
Geography - Ms. E. Fuller
Spanish - Mr. J. Castro

P.E. - Ms. S. Wilkinson
Art - Miss E. Parry
English - Miss N. Jadeja
Mathematics - Mr. N. Pegg
Citizenship - Miss S. Lagdon

I'm kinda nervous about Spanish.

Wednesday 27 August 2008 17:08


That's my friends Bunk Bed. You read it right. BUNK BED. Why is it not Double deck? Because the upper deck broke. Wanna know how did it happen? My friend and I was in the upper deck. And then my other friend was climbing that time. And then Crashed! I was like.. WOAH! and then it was complete silence. Then I started shouting.. GET OUT! GET OUT! and.. That's the story of the thrilling, scary moment of the crashing of the Bunk bed.. Now.. I learned my lesson. There should be only one person on the upper deck. Not 3 persons. Or else.. It will crash. If you have a bunk bed.. Don't ever try what we did.

Tuesday 26 August 2008 10:16
The Big Bike


Yeah, That's my big bike. I can't reach it! It was given to me by my Auntie... I can't tell her that I hate it.. It's just that.. It's too big.. I know how to cycle with 2 wheels.. but.. sadly.. I really, really can't reach it... *sigh* I wish my mom & dad would buy me a new bike or it's okay if they don't just buy me a new bike just buy me smaller wheels.. yeah.. THAT COULD WORK! If I have a new bike.. It's either I will donate the big bike to charity or... I could just keep it for the future (: